Obelisks for a Bristol garden design

A good garden designer should be able to design the constituent elements of their design.

  • Garden obelisks

Friday 11 November 2016

Like a gaggle of gawky birds, just flown in from darkest Zummerzet, the garden obelisks have arrived in one of our Clifton, Bristol garden designs.

Bristol is of course the home of the BBC's Natural History Unit and one might almost expect the slightly breathless David Attenborough whisper on a soundtrack:

'I am in a Clifton garden watching this rare cluster of.......' !!

The obelisks are courtesy of the talented Lee Rowbotham of Classic Ironworks. Lee has produced these according to our design:

We designed them to pick up on detail in a gazebo which he is also making to our specification.

Garden obelisks are especially useful in small town gardens where space is limited.

This little huddle of glistening black metal will be symmetrically placed, two on either side of the garden, flanking crisp stone benches.

They will visually enhance the symmetry in this formal garden design, but they will be also be making themselves useful because they will be plant supports.

Each will have a rose and a clematis, giving early and late colour.

Can't wait for next summer!

R and L